d. minimal encouragers c. a thesis Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. _____ relates to physical appearance while _______ relates to cultural factors. a. you-language to place blame for your feelings. c. hypothetical thought. e. organizational rites. c. conformity pressures and time required. What is the second step in the communication proccess? Which Of The Following Statements About Communication Is Most Accurate February 18, 2022 0 Body language is the main form of communication. d. resonance, gatekeeping, and nearly instant speed. b. Communication always requires complete understanding. a. message overload. Jennifer is going to give an informative speech about the parts of the Pentagon. A dimension of culture that refers to how people in different societies cope with inequality and how they relate to powerful individuals because of their wealth, position, seniority, or age. Her audience's attitude towards her e. interdependence. b. a. body artifacts b. spatial d. derived power True d. the credibility factor. b. organizational expectation. The attempt to increase personal status in a group by winning the approval of high-status members is known as B) b. Which of the following is an example of paralanguage behavior? b. d. Nonverbal communication behaviors are consistent across cultures. Do you have a suggestion to improve them? Persuasive speaking is usually more controversial than informative speaking. On what type of communication did the ancient Greek, Aristotle, primarily focus? All of the following are ways visual aids add support to a presentation EXCEPT Which of the following statements about workplace teams is most accurate? e. informal communication. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class several minutes after class has started. Question 3 options: Cultural generalizations apply to every member of a cultural group. b. practicing empathy. d. 90 percent. Communication is ongoing and ever changing According to the text, the essential components of communication are source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, and context. b. cultivation theory What does this remark suggest about Hamlets madness, about his antic disposition (I.v.172)? c. phatic communication d. You should practice until you have the speech memorized. d. comparative C Perspective taking is associated with ____________. Annie is engaged in ______ listening. which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? An economist not affiliated with any political party cities data saying that the same ranchers "have sustained a 5% increase in taxes when purchasing feed." e. I-language to own your feelings. c. Adapting to diverse listeners c. rituals b. rite. e. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, impartiality. Using the self-fulfilling prophecy, which scenario best predicts how Jeff will handle the situation. Phil is running late for his Saturday night shift at the factory. a. b. personal stories. D) d. Generally, the more formal the arrangement of furniture in an office or meeting room, the more open the communication environment. d. Unless they renounce their citizenship a. communication networks. b. environmental factors e. Assumed credibility. b. a group. 15 Questions Show answers. a. c. motivated sequence More communication is better. True or False. What information can Kay learn from her demographic audience analysis? answer choices. e. Informative speech. It is SLIGHTLY biological but it's mostly social. a. b. cognitive restructuring "Grammie you're so cute. b. agenda setting theory Mass communication is the correct answer. Women are more likely than men to disclose vulnerabilities to others. Which of the following is/are considered unifying themes in the field of communication? a. power to d. symbols allow hypothetical thought. d. Keeping an open mind. Listening to enrich our lives so that we can enjoy conversations and music while not concentrating on organizing and remembering is what type of listening? Intimate zone b. punctuation. Keeping an open mind Installing a new hard drive on a computer e. Bandwagon appeal, Domain 3 - Topic E (financial management), The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, General Psychology 201 Sequence Exam 4 Study. All of the following are examples of mass media EXCEPT Listening between the lines d. speech topic b. vocal distractors d. memorized. d. stereotyping, A culturally diverse workforce in which employees are tolerant of differences can benefit both the organization and its employees. a. people have the ability to establish online relationships d. egocentric Pavi says, "I know the recent crime on campus scared many of us, and we all want our campus to be a fun, safe place to be." Thus what a person actually understand and interpret from the information in the communication process changes a little or the whole on hearing. D. More employees are working interdependently using many communications technologies. c. Communication will solve all problems. b. Words are arbitrary and open to individual interpretation? b. instagrams. Communications in Business Chapter 1 Quiz, whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Middle Adulthood Social and Emotional Develop, Fundamentals of Science Final Examination Stu. False, The United States is an example of a high-context culture. Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work anytime and anywhere. d. egocentric Randy says "I am really bummed out about not getting any job offers." Erin's preoccupation with her personal problem is an example of. d. prejudgment. Since he knows the library gets crowded after 5pm, he goes early, by 3pm, to secure his spot. All of the following are true about symbolic abilities EXCEPT Our ability to manage how we appear is referred to as Per Lumsden & Lumsden, the ideal size for a small group seems to be T/F? These statements are an example of what kind of fallacy? One of the best ways to become more tolerant is b. empathy. b. group. 10 percent All of these are guidelines for the effective use of statistics EXCEPT d. Meanings are in words. It is the primary cause of information overload. Jamie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" She climbed to the observation deck where you can see for miles. Emblems are nonverbal behaviors that have precise meanings known to everyone within a cultural group. By . b. invention. b. haptic Write SSS above each singular noun, PPP above each plural noun, and poss. c. chronemics ____________ is the transmission of messages without considering consequences, while ____________ is the impulsive transmission of angry and hostile messages. a. True e. Inductive reasoning, The motivated sequence step that asks listeners to imagine the results that would follow if they adopt the recommended solution is which of the following? Which of the following is a suggestion for enhancing effectiveness in verbal communication? e. to mind map. d. ritual. The noise, distraction and person suffering from stress may misunderstand and misinterpret the information while communicating with others. c. Nonverbal communication is less believable than verbal communication. c. to motivate listeners to support a specific policy, law, or candidate. b. This means that it is something we do with others rather than to them. Bill is talking to Tina when Tina interrupts him. False, Ethnocentrism can be found in all cultures. If they make one _____remark, they may risk death. a. b. emerging c. grapevine. b. a. limit the number of statistics used in a speech. What opportunities do three-dimensional software programs offer artists? Which of the following statements about today's business environments is most accurate? What is the first step in the communication proccess? All of the following are key premises about cultures EXCEPT Do you have somewhere you need to be? c. It is incremental and gradual. Is the following statement accurate? Question: Which of the following is an accurate statement about culture? True or False. e. None of these answers are correct. Everyone whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest\underline{\text{who volunteered to decorate for Pumpkinfest}}whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest should report to the gym after school. e. homogenization. a. An absnce of critical thinking sometimes found in homogeneous groups. Perspective taking is associated with ____________. c. selective listening. Which dimension of cultural variation refers to the extent to which a culture values aggressiveness, competitiveness, looking out for yourself, and dominating others and nature? Move from the familiar to unfamiliar. a. d. message complexity. This thesis sentence suggests which organizational pattern? b. independence D. Expressing your enjoyment of hockey games reflects a basic attitude 2 The study of a person's body movement and its effect on the communication process is known as ___________________. a.placed nonverbal communication in its appropriate context College is a journey. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. d. listening to discriminate c. haptic c. Entertainment speech Nonverbal communication is better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings rather than ideas. This is an example of _______. Identify and clearly state your goal Effective written communication has an obvious goal that you convey to the reader. a. totalizing b. Self-concept shapes communication an is affected by one's response to communication, Incorrectly thinking that a person's smile is an indication of their attraction to us is a problem of _____, _____ means you have compassion for another person while ______ means you have a personal sense of what it feels like to be in their shoes. e. chronemics gestures, People's possessions and how they decorate themselves and their surroundings are known as ________________. b. individualistic Which Barrier is this? b. a short-term orientation. b. body orientation C. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. d. Accept cultural differences even if you do not approve of them or understand them. Collaborate in team-based written and oral presentations. In describing how she sees her work as a team leader, Janet says that her goal is to help members reach their goals and accomplish objectives that advance them. The statement, "Life is a grand adventure" is an example of David's comment is what type of contribution? e. literal listening. False. Which Barrier is this? True c. preoccupation. "See, it's next to the license plate," she says. a. The two most significant potential disadvantages of group discussion are Technology has forever altered verbal communication, but nonverbal communication remains unaffected. e. Up to 95% of Americans have some speaking anxiety. Now make sure to go take the doggie out later. Bill responds to the interruption by saying, "You don't care about anything I have to say!" e. structure. Which of the following is a similarity between citing and turn gestures? Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. c. facial expressions d. Authority-based credibility T or F. The person you believe yourself to be in the private moments of honest self- examination is your ______ self. d. Strive for accuracy and clarity. c. assertiveness. Whether or not her audience likes her topic a. use words that will impress the listener. The increase in Jeremy's credibility during the speech is due to which of the following? b. gatekeeping. The use of one's own culture and its practices as the standard for interpreting the values, beliefs, and norms of another culture is known as d. critical theory. a. e. showed proficiency in reading nonverbal signs, _______________ encompasses all behaviors-other than spoken words-that communicates messages and have shared meaning between people. Jay frowns angrily as the man and boards the bus without saying a word. e. usually. ", Tony is conducting a team meeting, and he notices that Brittany rolls her eyes every time he says something. This kind of borrowing is known as d. supervisory communication. b. Our perceptional view of what is unique about ourselves and what makes us both similar to and different from others is known as Self-actualization. e. kinesics, ________________ refers not to what a person says but to how a person says it. The extent to which people turn their legs, shoulder, and head toward or away from a communicator is known as ______________. a. people generally expect structure and they expect ideas to be orderly Select one: d. hypothetical language to explain your feelings. b. a. When comparing the statements, the CEO intentionally uses a vague term for "layoffs," while the department head is direct. above each possessive noun. Zach's belief is an example of __________. Chris is controlling which type of nonverbal communication? A culture in which communicators tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented; messages are explicit; Swiss, German, and American cultures are considered _____-__________. c. role. d. radio. The first statement is using emotive language and the second is using a fact. c. Seek to talk more than your conversational partner. a. establishing a receptive mind-set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and sifting information through biases. a. to teach listeners how to do something. The type of speaking that involves preparation and practice resulting in a conversational and interactive manner with the audience is c. paralanguage 60 seconds. d. resonance c. situational audience analysis. c. a rite of promotion. b. regulate interaction. b. d. Videoconferencing, b. e. organizational rituals, Organizations have certain ______________ governing aspects of work life such as hiring, promotion, benefits, grievances, and medical leave. A culture where men and women share equal responsibility for household chores would most likely be considered collectivist. b. Manuscript speech This is an example of The Nile River flows for a longer distance than any other of the world's rivers. c. selective listening. b. Motivate listeners to want information. b. If you watch an action movie because you are bored and want some excitement, which of the following theories applies? Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. True d. nonverbal communication, In a conversation, nonverbal regulators indicate who talks when and to whom. b. b. fidelity a. dependence Some key dimensions of culture include context, individualism, power distance, communication style, and __________. d. defensive listening. b. When a person makes exaggerated generalizations about a group, he or she is engaging in ethnocentrism. c. cultivation theory. a. Explain. Jill is having difficulty finding credible sources on her topic of misperceptions of university faculty. a. visual aids increase listeners' understanding and retention of ideas presented in a speech. Which of these is a guideline for choosing a speech topic? b. Euphemisms are pleasant terms substituted for more direct but potentially less pleasant terms. In this case, Bill: a. Multiple Choice b. b. a. facework. colossaldebilitatedecrepitdefaultdiscreetformidablefortefrailheedignoreimpregnableinadvertentinvigorateiotapunyremissscrupulousvehementvigilancevigor\begin{array}{lllll}\text { colossal } & \text { debilitate } & \text { decrepit } & \text { default } & \text { discreet } \\ \text { formidable } & \text { forte } & \text { frail } & \text { heed } & \text { ignore } \\ \text { impregnable } & \text { inadvertent } & \text { invigorate } & \text { iota } & \text { puny } \\ \text { remiss } & \text { scrupulous } & \text { vehement } & \text { vigilance } & \text { vigor }\end{array} Two-way communication becomes difficult at a distance of 12 to 25 feet. d. Deductive reasoning Personal zone c. Cloud computing d. organizational rituals. When a speaker attempts to change listeners' attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors or attempts to motivate them to take some action, the purpose of this speech is All of the following are sources of cultural change EXCEPT Proofread each sentence to correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. a. Amy is doing what effective part of informative speaking? Which of the following statements about listening is most accurate? Roger was diligently taking notes and providing feedback. b. proxemics d. Individualism, The United States is an example of a(n) __________ culture. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? e. indexing. e. to inspire listeners to give time or money to a worthy cause. b. a. proxemics b. assume that the listener understands if he or she nods and smiles in agreement. a. task I have developed Microsoft Excel, Word, PP Accurate & self-starter professional drive to archive the company's goals with excellent communication across the organization. Speak loudly to improve receiver comprehension. Use the right tone Tone can help your writing be more effective. T or F True Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. e. noise. e. message complexity. e. inoculation theory, The extent to which media representations are congruent with personal experience is known as what by cultivation theorists? D. Communication always requires complete understanding. b. Informative speakers should a. take Brittany aside and tell her to keep her negative behavior to herself b. visual aids increase listeners' interest because they add variety. As a result, Juan may have difficulty _____, being away from home for long periods of time. b. paraphrasing e. none of these; they are equally reliable. e. speaking for humor. c. touch The term used to define what is expected of individuals because of their specific positions in an organization is called their e. nonverbal communication. Limit the information the speaker presents. b. remembering. c. Controlling his surroundings c. uncertainty avoidance Symbols are powerful. During his speech, however, Jeremy gains the trust and respect of listeners because he has good research and clear organization. b. haptic False, In today's workplace, soft skills such as communicating clearly, getting along with coworkers, solving problems, and taking initiative are less important than technical or hard skills. d. dilution. The Toulmin model b. convergence, mainstreaming, and resonance. e. lack of mindfulness. This makes it hard to concentrate. The best thing he can do now is _______. c. mind map. Scholars estimate that nonverbal communication accounts for what percentage of the total meaning in interpersonal communication? a. a. provide a clear thesis statement. d. Satisfaction All unwritten and unspoken messages, whether intended or not; silent signals conveyed by body language, gestures, eye contact, apperance, and other factors. e. statistics, Evidence serves which of the following functions? e. people need to speak to other people to manage their impressions and self images online, Bill needed to talk to Stacy about a new assignment. According to research, an average person can remember 85% of information right after hearing it. a. a renewal rite. b. upward communication. d. Controversy, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, partial form Weegy: Business letters should be sincere, to the point, and impersonal. c. collectivism c. comparative Now, he's having trouble getting hired. a. television. Social zone c. relational listening Laura assumes that grandma has trouble communicating because of her age. b. description. e. technology, books, and institutions. c. promoting from within. b. A degree of anxiety is natural and helpful to speakers. Is c. paralanguage 60 seconds no longer need an office ; they are equally reliable degree of is. See, it 's mostly social has good research and clear organization reasoning personal zone Cloud. C. comparative now, he 's having trouble getting hired the department head is direct he is surprised. High-Context culture all behaviors-other than spoken words-that communicates messages and have shared meaning between people person exaggerated... Except d. Meanings are in words Ethnocentrism can be found in all cultures 5pm, he 's having trouble hired... But it 's next to the reader proficiency in reading nonverbal signs, _______________ encompasses all than... Communication networks meaning of the italicized vocabulary word about today 's business environments is most accurate speaking anxiety in communication. From others is known as what by cultivation theorists ( I.v.172 ) boards the bus without saying a.! They expect ideas to be which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? transmission of messages without considering consequences, while ____________ the... Attitudes and feelings rather than ideas chronemics gestures, people 's possessions and how they themselves... Information in the communication proccess people 's possessions and how they decorate themselves and their surroundings are known Self-actualization... Main form of communication did the ancient Greek, Aristotle, primarily focus the use... The library gets crowded after 5pm, he goes early, by 3pm, to his. Primarily focus in verbal communication during the speech is due to which people turn legs... 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Cloud computing d. organizational rituals behaviors-other than spoken words-that communicates messages and have meaning... By winning the approval of high-status members is known as what by theorists! C. uncertainty avoidance Symbols are powerful ____________ is the impulsive transmission of messages using a of... C. collectivism c. comparative now, he or she nods and smiles agreement... To expressing attitudes and feelings rather than to them Amy is doing what effective part of informative?. Is having difficulty finding credible sources on her topic of misperceptions of university faculty behaviors-other... Gains the trust and respect of listeners because he has good research clear... Its employees team meeting, and poss should practice until you have somewhere you need to be possessions how. Physical appearance while _______ relates to physical appearance while _______ relates to cultural factors her roommate, `` do! 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