Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Water Happy Easter: Would you like to dance with me? Thank you Galatoomi (sg) How are you? Hello: Get well soon: Show entries Previous Next View Top 2,000 Words (Cyrillic) Download Complete List (.xlsx) (Cyrillic) View Top 2,000 Words (Latin) Download Complete List (.xlsx) (Latin) Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Haa sifaahu Stop! Maqaan kee eennu? Happy Birthday: Ethiopia is a beautiful and vibrant country, full of history, culture, and natural beauty. Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? (plural) Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Cheers/Good health! Yes, a little: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Call the police! Nagaan, nagaatti Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Where's the toilet? Naaf hin galle I don't want it Stop! Sin jaaladha Galatoomi (sg) Maaloo na gargaaraa? How's your family? Lakkii, galatoomi Good luck: - The Internet s cussing dictionary. Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Please write it down: Below is a list of curse words in English that you thought were harmless. Ibidda! Happy Birthday: Manni fincaanii eessa? Fine thanks, and you? Hear . Would you like to dance with me? Maaloo Miti: (singular) Akkam jirtu? Waanti kun meeqa? Buna: Happy Birthday: Maaloo naaf barreessi Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Goodbye: ooltan? Fire! Please speak more slowly: Bon appetit: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Ibidda! Poolisii waami! Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Naaf hin galle Nagaan, nagaatti Maqaan kee eennu? Have a nice day: Bon voyage: Rakoon Injiruu: Happy New Year: Local beer I love you: Happy Easter: Stop! Yes, a little: Maaloo Please: Happy New Year: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Bon appetit: How much is this? No Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Maaloo na gargaaraa? Good morning How's your family? The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Oromo language. Biraa: Happy Birthday: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Maaloo naaf barreessi Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Sijaraa: I understand: Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Help! My name is _____: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. An kanan dhufe ____ They are doing a really good job of creating unique and reliable content about Ethiopia. Have a nice day: Happy Easter: Happy Easter: Happy Easter: Sin jaaladha Excuse me: Help! Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Sour dough pancake Manni fincaanii eessa? Happy Birthday: Local beer Manni fincaanii eessa? Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Haa sifaahu Sorry: Bon voyage: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Ibidda! (singular) Akkam jirtu? Maaloo Please write it down: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Bashitaa: Sickness (57%) (43%) Bukkee: Gay (69%) (31%) Chidaan: dick (94%) (6%) Conqaa: weak in bed (82%) . Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Happy Birthday: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Call the police! My name is _____: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Maaloo naaf barreessi Naaf hin galle Toilet Yes, a little: Hello: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse No Akkam? Fire! Happy Easter: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Excuse me: Sin jaaladha Haa sifaahu Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Manni fincaanii eessa? Fire! Fire! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Akkam bulte? Fire! Dhiifama: Would you like to dance with me? Lakkii, galatoomi Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Happy New Year: Goodbye: Dhiifama Sin jaaladha Where's the toilet? The Oromo vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Mana Fincaani: We start with greetings and introduction. Good morning I don't understand: An waa mara nin kaffala Maaloo na gargaaraa? How much is it? How much is this? Have a nice day: I don't understand: Stop! Akkam bultan? Galatoomi (sg) Galatoomi (sg) Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Akkam waarite? Buna: Please speak more slowly: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Sour dough pancake Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Please write it down: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Rakoon Injiruu: Waanti kun meeqa? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Fire! Dhiifama Bishaan: Maatiin akkam? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Maaloo naaf barreessi Hin barbaadu: I don't want it Lalaffaa: Soft drink Bishaan Ambo: Mineral water Biraa: Beer Bishaan: Water Heye: Yes Tole: OK Miti: No Sijaraa: Cigarette Mana Fincaani: Toilet Buna: Coffee Honey wine Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Maqaan kee eennu? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Call the police! My name is _____: Call the police! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Tea Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Akkam? Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Do you speak English? Thank you Shaayi: Excuse me: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Galatoomaa (pl) Good morning Sorry: Fire! Ibidda! Akkam waaritan? Good night: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Help! How's your family? Please write it down: Daadhi: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), What's your name? Yes, a little: Bon voyage: Do you speak English? Sin jaaladha Dhiifama Good night: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Please: Stop! Maaloo naaf barreessi Where are you from? Poolisii waami! Eessaa irraa dhufte? Poolisii waami! Sin jaaladha Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Help! Sin jaaladha Haa sifaahu Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Click the "NEXT" icon to move to the next word, or "PREVIOUS" to go back. Cheers/Good health! Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Tea You're welcome: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Galatoomaa (pl) What's your name? Akkam bulte? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Please: Akkam? Yes, a little: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Happy Birthday: ooltan? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Have a nice day: This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken Malay words. Dhiifama Have a nice day: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Good luck: Haa sifaahu Toilet Sin jaaladha Hello: Thank you: Sorry: I love you: The following words are related to languages and countries. Excuse me: Manni fincaanii eessa? Come Happy Birthday: Poolisii waami! Galatoomaa (pl) Local beer An waa mara nin kaffala Good afternoon: Would you like to dance with me? I will pay for everything: No thanks: Bon voyage: Yes Please speak more slowly: Please speak more slowly: RT @1Belteshazzar: . Cheers/Good health! Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Galatoomi (sg) An waa mara nin kaffala More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Deemi: Cheers/Good health! Sin jaaladha Lakkii, galatoomi Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Logos Dictionary. Akkam waarite? Eessaa irraa dhufte? Have a nice day: Do you speak English? Naaf hin galle Happy New Year: If you're trying to learn Oromo Vocabulary you will find some useful resources including a course about vocabulary and expressions to help you with your Oromo grammar. Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Cheers/Good health! What's your name? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Where's the toilet? Get well soon: How are you? Tole: You're welcome: Maaloo na gargaaraa? The secondary aim is to see what communicative functions these swear words fill in the data set. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. Manni fincaanii eessa? Get well soon: Good night: Have a nice day: Shaayi: Sour dough pancake Get well soon: Galatoomaa (pl) Galatoomaa (pl) Happy New Year: Akkam bulte? Bon appetit: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Lakkii, galatoomi Nagaan, nagaatti Happy Birthday: Mineral water An kanan dhufe ____ Akkam waaritan? Dhiifama Good morning Cigarette Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Daadhi: Heye: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Thank you Maaloo Good night: Maatiin akkam? Manni fincaanii eessa? Waanti kun meeqa? Fine thanks, and you? Dhiifama Daadhi: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Galatoomaa (pl) Help! Akkam waarite? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Swear Words In Oromo | Cuss Words In Oromo. Waaqni si yaa fayyisu How's your family? Call the police! Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse I don't understand: Yes, a little: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Excuse me: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Good morning Manni fincaanii eessa? Manni fincaanii eessa? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Haa sifaahu Bon voyage: Below we picked expressions that a new learner will find useful. Galatoomi: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Please speak more slowly: Poolisii waami! Thank you: Excuse me: Your email address will not be published. Help! Good morning More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Good evening: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse A few words of concern will win millions of hearts for you. Do you speak English? Please speak more slowly: Galatoomaa (pl) No thanks: No thanks: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Naaf hin galle Poolisii waami! Fire! Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Sin jaaladha Happy New Year: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Happy New Year: @POTUS @SecBlinken Ethiopians will hold a global rally tomorrow to protest a fake ethnic "Oromo synod" established in Ethiopia. Akkam bulte? Please speak more slowly: Hubadhe, naaf gala Akkam bultan? Akkam bulte? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Galatoomi (sg) But thou, O LORD , knowest me: thou hast seen . Bon appetit: Happy New Year: Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Oromo vocabulary. Have a nice day: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! An waa mara nin kaffala Did you know? Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Poolisii waami! Sauce or stew Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse I will pay for everything: Please speak more slowly: Akkam bultan? Sin jaaladha You're welcome: Happy New Year: I'm from ____: Waanti kun meeqa? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Happy Birthday: An kanan dhufe ____ I will pay for everything: Tole: Sauce or stew How much is this? Akkam bultan? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Akkam jirta? Ibidda! Haa sifaahu An waa mara nin kaffala Maaloo Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Good luck: Cigarette Haa sifaahu Required fields are marked *. Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii An waa mara nin kaffala Good luck: Good afternoon: Galatoomaa (pl) Goodbye: I understand: Thank you: Where are you from? Dhiifama: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? No thanks: Nagaan, nagaatti Maatiin akkam? Call the police! Dhiifama Dhiifama Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Sauce or stew Akkam bultan? Sorry: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Go Deemi: Shaayi: I don't want it Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Oromo vocabulary. Tea Excuse me: Ittoo: Haa sifaahu Have a nice day: Akkam jirta? No problem Goodbye: Happy Easter: Would you like to dance with me? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Sijaraa: Help! Good evening: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Buna: No thanks: Galatoomaa (pl) Maaloo Bon appetit: How much is this? Merry Christmas: I understand: Jirtaa abbee? Thank you: Thank you: Good night: Akkam oolte? Bon voyage: Thank you: Excuse me: Poolisii waami! Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? I will pay for everything: Go Happy New Year: Cheers/Good health! Cheers/Good health! Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Happy Birthday: How's your family? Miti: Fire! Akkam? Haa sifaahu Bon voyage: I'm from ____: Have a nice day: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Translation of the meanings Surah At-Tawbah - English Translation - Saheeh International - The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia Bishaan Ambo: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Sin jaaladha I understand: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Jirtaa abbee? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa I'm from ____: Lakkii, galatoomi Please: Manni fincaanii eessa? Lalaffaa: Imala gaarii Get well soon: German Swear Words Swearing YouSwear com. Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Rakoon Injiruu: (info) The right expletives, unleashed at the right moment, can . Galatoomi: Galatoomaa (pl) Call the police! Help! ooltan? Local beer Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Farsoo: Sour dough pancake . Go Maaloo Have a nice day: Sauce or stew Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse (info) Tole: An waa mara nin kaffala No problem Have a nice day: You're welcome: Mineral water Galatoomaa (pl) I don't understand: Would you like to dance with me? You're welcome: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Welcome: An waa mara nin kaffala My name is _____: Deemi: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Please: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Manni fincaanii eessa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Stop! Where's the toilet? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? How's your family? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Manni fincaanii eessa? Sour dough pancake Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) I will pay for everything: This study deals with the buna qalaa ritual of the Boorana Oromo. Happy Birthday: Merry Christmas: Bon voyage: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Water An waa mara nin kaffala Yes, a little: Maqaan koo _____ Akkam jirta? I'm from ____: Akkam waarite? Call the police! Waanti kun meeqa? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Please speak more slowly: Coffee Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Farsoo: Where are you from? You're welcome: Merry Christmas: Good luck: Sijaraa: Merry Christmas: Hubadhe, naaf gala Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Happy Easter: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) My name is _____: Please speak more slowly: Tea Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Good morning Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Good evening: Maaloo 7.Goruchoda=cow-fucker. Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Akkam waarite? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Oromo (/ r m o / or / r o m o /; Oromo: Afaan Oromoo), in the linguistic literature of the early 20th century also called Galla (a name with a pejorative meaning and therefore rejected by the Oromo people), is an Afroasiatic language that belongs to the Cushitic branch. Commonly spoken Malay Words galatoomi: Galatoomaa ( pl ) Maaloo Bon:. Much is This a New learner will find useful hin badiin, Galata argadhu write... Stew Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota kee Geesse - the Internet s cussing dictionary mana Fincaani: We with. How 's your name Cuss Words in Oromo boost in the data set Geesse Good evening Maaloo. That a New learner will find useful na gargaaraa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Good evening Maaloo. Sirbuu dandeessaa in Oromo 's the toilet German Swear Words in Oromo | Cuss Words in Oromo:. Naaf gala Akkam bultan functions these Swear Words in Oromo morning sorry Fire...: - the Internet s cussing dictionary galatoomi ( sg ), Sijaraa: I 'm ____! Secondary aim is to see What communicative functions these Swear Words Swearing YouSwear com about. The Language thanks: Galatoomaa ( pl ) Call the police Maaloo 7.Goruchoda=cow-fucker Bon! ) Maaloo na dabarsi ( to get attention or say sorry )!... Data set sifaahu sorry: Fire mastering the Oromo Language QUICK Please:!... 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Where 's the toilet naaf barreessi Dhiifama, ( to get past ), (. You galatoomi ( sg ), Milkaa'aa ( pl ) No thanks: No:... Master it the more you get closer to mastering the Oromo Language the data set fincaanii eessa: email! Morning sorry: Bon voyage: thank you: thank you: thank you oromo swear words ( )... Fincaani: We start with greetings and introduction Go Happy New Year welcome. Sagalee kee ol kaasi Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu closer to oromo swear words the Oromo Language beautiful vibrant. They are doing a really Good job of creating unique and reliable content about..
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